Will the next winner of 'The Voice' be from New York?2015.10.09. 08:04, barbee-bius
Tell us about your musical background.
When I was growing up I wasn’t really involved in music, all I really wanted to do was hang out with my buddies. I was a skater for a long time. After I got bored of skating I decided to put a garage band together. Since my father was a professional drummer in Hungary, and like all kids I wanted to be like my father, I started to play the drums. We started fooling around with everything from punk music to classic rock; we did a lot of Van Halen and stuff like that.
When I moved to Hungary when I was 16, I still didn’t sing, I was still a drummer and I was still in a garage band and we had a few gigs. One of the rehearsals the singer got sick, and I think the bass player said, “Vik, why don’t you try singing, because you’re always humming around.” And I said okay, I’ll try one song, and the rest of the band said “Okay, you’re going to be the singer from now on.”
It was a surprising Phil Collins type of thing. Once I started singing and I got a little bit better I fell in love with R&B and soul music. That’s when I fell in love with music, and I started writing music and people started listening more. And then I won a show in Hungary, and things have been up ever since then.
What was the show in Hungary?
It was called “Megastar.” It was a similar talent show; there were very different rules. They weren’t really interested in if you were a soul singer; they were interested in any genre. So I had to sing everything from rock music to classical music. It was kind of weird, but it was good experience. I felt that I was still amateur in the sense that I didn’t know who I am musically so after the show I started really digging into composing music and ever since then I’ve been doing well in Hungary but I was always afraid to try in America.
What’s the biggest difference you’ve noticed between Hungarian and American audiences?
I have to really compliment the American audience, they’re so much more open to new things, new ideas, new people. What I’ve come to realize that, Hungary in a way, it’s a small country, you know there’s only 10 million people in the country, and they’re no that open. It takes time for them to really digest something new. It took me years to recognized in Hungary because I’m an English-speaking artist in a Hungarian-speaking country, so it took years for them to accept me. In America, after blind audition, it took them one day. So it was crazy.
What has had a bigger influence on you as a musician, your upbringing in New York, or your formative years in Hungary?
I don’t even know if I can answer that. I think it’s my sister to be honest. She’s an amazing singer, and she heard me sing, and she was like “Alright Vik, I’ll teach, I’ll show you music," and she was the reason why I started listening to R&B and soul music, and she basically pampered me through this whole situation.
What made you choose Adam Levine?
I was almost 100 percent sure that I was going to pick Pharell Williams. I write music also, and the reason I started singing was because I was writing and it was working. So for me to pick Pharell was just the obvious logical choice. But I went out on stage and sang my song, and I was amazed that he was so enthusiastic and so excited after hearing me on stage. He really put passion and emotion into the whole process of it and I was just mind-boggled, I was like I can’t believe Adam Levine is saying these things about me, you know. And I thought that Adam is the kind of person who can really help me in the future and in the moment. He’s a really emotional singer, he really loves what he’s doing and you can tell he loves it so I was like you know, right now my best choice is to go with Adam Levine.
What would you say in your biggest challenge as a singer?
I have a big lack of self-confidence. I don’t know why. My sister was the person who actually pushed me to audition for The Voice. I was like, I don’t want to audition, what if I fail, what if I don’t do well, I don’t believe in myself that much. In New York every other singer sings just as good as me, you know? That’s how I go living my days. But I have my sister, and my family behind me saying no, you’re better than that and you have to go try yourself. So I really have to learn how to respect what I have, and just try to build my self-confidence. I’m really hoping Adam is going to teach me these traits to build self-confidence on the stage, because when I look at Adam I see he has that healthy confidence, not the bored, the healthy confidence.
You’re a very talented singer, with a very nice head of hair too, what’s your secret behind the hair?
That’s so funny because everyone always say, he’s the guy with perfect hair but I don’t even spend that much time on it when I’m getting ready in the morning. I don’t know, I guess I’m lucky with the head of hair.
Kirly Viktort sztszedik az amerikai nk2015.10.08. 18:05, barbee-bius
Az nekes hamarosan visszautazik a tengerentlra, hogy az itthon is nagy sikerrel fut The Voice cm msor amerikai verzijnak kzpdntjben szerepeljen. A mesterek, lkn Gwen Stefanival nem gyztek radozni Viktor tehetsgrl, akinek mr tbb ezer amerikai rajongja van.
− A tvs fellps utn szinte felrobban a Twitterem s az Instagrammom. Tizenves lnyok csinltak rajongi oldalt nekem a legnagyobb kzssgi oldalon, de van egy 800 anyukt szmll rajongi kzssg is – lelkendezett Viktor.
A hazai rajongk mellett egyre tbb amerikai hlgy is odavan a jelenleg szingli Viktorrt. Mint mondta, szexulis tltet ajnlatokkal nem bombzzk, viszont a tengerentli rajongk sokkal szemtelenebbek, mint a magyarok.
− A magyar rajongk sokkal tisztelettudbbak. Kint azrt ms a helyzet, sokkal extrmebben rajonganak egy-egy nekesrt. Nekem is mr van egy-kt tapadsabb rajongm, de konkrt problmm mg nem addott ebbl – meslt lapunknak az nekes.
The Voice – Blind Auditions2015.10.07. 19:09, barbee-bius
Q) For those who got multiple chairs turn, what is that feeling like when more than one judge turns around for you? And as they’re all begging you to join their team, how do you really make that decision in that moment?
Viktor: I mean, for me to decide between four chairs was in itself totally a surreal situation and I was totally in awe that I was standing, on the stage with all four of them looking at me. For me, I mean, it was all about gut decision. So I mean, I was on stage and I got an overwhelming amount of positive criticism from Adam and he was just – he was overwhelmed with my performance. And he was really, really, really I guess lifting me up in some way and so it was very easy for me to decide even though I was originally going to go with Pharrell Williams if he would have turned around. So but I’m totally comfortable with my decision because it’s really, really a good feeling when you have someone like Adam Levine really wanting to be by your side and helping you out as much as possible.
Q) Viktor, obviously you’re a little more seasoned than everybody. I mean, you’re big in a country in Europe. But how does that play into what you do now? I mean, do you feel like you’re seasoned or do you feel like you’re starting all over again?
Viktor: It’s a very good question. I’ve been thinking about this a lot, I mean, especially when I decided to audition before. It took a lot of guts, it took a lot of sleepless nights for me to decide because it’s a really risky situation because if I don’t do well, if I don’t get any chairs turned then it might be embarrassing to go back to a country where people already somewhat know my name. But I’m the type of person, I’ve always been this type of person that I do it for the music. I don’t do it for the fame, I don’t do it for the radio plays or anything like that. Of course if it comes with it, it’s fantastic and you’re respected for what you do. But I do it for the music so it’s not at all one problem for me to get back to the roots, start down start on zero and build myself up because I have no American audience, like zero. So for me to go to The Voice it’s actually a liberating feeling that I’m working really hard just as everyone else is to find a spot on the show.
Q) They sort of tell us that they don’t remember the blind auditions because it’s sort of just like a blur for them. So I’m assuming that you all watched the show last night and I’m wondering, you know, what does it feel like to watch coaches, these, you know, highly successful, highly popular musicians fight over you and say such impressive things about you? I mean, win, lose, or draw, what does that do for your confidence and what does that do for you, you know, starting out as a performer in the country?
Viktor: Well I mean, first of all, I mean, I was watching last night the show and I think I was more nervous watching the show than actually being on the show. It was incredible. My fingers were shaking. I don’t even know why, I mean, like I kind of knew what happened. But for example to answer your question, yesterday was the first time I actually heard and understood what Gwen Stefani said to me on stage. So I was in a total blackout on stage so I had no idea what she was saying to me. I was just, you know, left out into the blue. So it’s an incredible feeling, it really is. I mean, it’s ridiculous. I mean, you’re on stage, you’re a singer, you’re trying for years to make it, and all of the sudden you’re on a stage with four super megastars really, really, really fighting over for you. And you don’t even have a chance to actually comprehend it because it’s so weird and out of this world. Did it build my confidence in one way, yes. In one way yes, you get four chairs, you get all this positive criticism, it does. But it also builds my wanting to give more. So when I got off the stage all I was thinking about is how am I going to give more, how am I going to prove that I’m even better than this blind audition. So it kind of brings out the maximalist in me.
Kirly Viktor a Voice-ban: A legnagyobb flelmem az volt, hogy mit szlnak a magyarok2015.10.06. 12:32, barbee-bius
Simn lehet, hogy egy v mlva Kirly Viktor nemcsak itthon, hanem Amerikban is ismert lesz. Mr majdnem egy hete, hogy leadtk a Voice-ban, ahogy mind a ngy zsritag – Adam Levine, Pharrell Williams, Gwen Stefani s Blake Shelton – megfordult a szkvel. Mieltt mg j hossz idre elvesztennk Kirly Viktort, leltnk vele beszlgetni, hogyan tovbb, mivel jr egyltaln ez az egsz felhajts. Egy szval is ssze tudnnk foglalni: stresszel, nagyon sok stresszel:
"Elg nagy stresszben vagyok. [...] gy kell gondolkozni, hogy ksz, mr megvan, vilgsztr leszek, s helyes ton haladok, csak gy tovbb. Mert ha az ember ezt elkpzeli, akkor gy is lesz. Ezt flig gy gondolom. "
Kirly Viktor tl van az els nehzsgen. Bebizonytotta a magyar kznsgnek, hogy sikerlhet az amerikai karrier. Az els szintet megugrotta, pedig risi stresszt okozott az nekesnek, hogy reagl majd a magyar kznsg, mi lesz, ha nem jn ssze. Ciki lesz-e, ha nem fordulnak meg a zsritagok.
"Nekem a legnagyobb flelmem nem az volt, hogy sikerl-e ott, hanem hogy mit szlnak a magyarok. Ez volt a legnagyobb nyoms. n ettl fltem igazn. Na bumm, nem fordul meg egy szk... Nem tudom, hny ezer embernek nem fordul meg egy szk. Nem azt jelenti, hogy vge az letemnek, hanem hogy prblkozom jvre. De ha egy meglv sztr odamegy Magyarorszgrl, muszj, hogy megforduljanak. "
s meg is fordultak, hurr. Kirly Viktor ezt kipiplhatja, radsul az Voice-os videjt nztk meg majdnem a legtbben. Csak Jordan Smith elzte meg, akit Kirly is a verseny egyik befutjnak rez, de nem tart tle, csak tudja, mennyire rdekes s meglep karakter.
Egyelre a vak meghallgats szakaszn vagyunk tl, ahol a zsri hang alapjn juttatta tovbb a versenyzket. A legnagyobb dolog pedig, hogy Kirly Viktort mind a ngyen akartk. Ez egyrszt azrt szerencss, mert hatalmas siker ennyi pozitv visszajelzst kapni, msrszt a versenyz dnthet, kivel akar tovbb dolgozni. Adam Levine gyesen rdumlta Kirlyt, hogy vlassza t:
"Mindenkibe belegondoltam, de n a helyzetben ltem. s abban a helyzetben egyrtelmv vlt, hogy Adamet (Adam Levine – a szerz.) kell vlasztanom. De egyltaln nem bntam. [...] gy reztem, hogy Adam nagyon gyorsan tud nekem segteni. s nekem erre van szksgem a verseny elejn."
Br mg semmilyen szemlyes kapcsolat nem addott a versenyzk s a zsritagok kztt, ez hamar meg fog vltozni. A kvetkez fordulban jn a prbaj, ahol Kirly Viktor mr Adam Levine-nel dolgozhat egytt.
Ahhoz kpest, hogy mekkora a tt, Kirly Viktor nem fl, inkbb csak izgatott, elvgre mr elrt valamit a versenyben.
"Inkbb izgatott vagyok, nem mondom azt, hogy flek. [...] Megfordtottam ngy szket a versenyben, ezt nem sokan tudjk elmondani. Mr most bszke vagyok magamra. Nem mondom, hogy htradlhetek, de ez a flelem, ez gy kimaradt. "
Ami viszont a legfontosabb, hogy a csaldja tmogatja Kirly Viktor, gyakorlatilag nvrnek, Kirly Lindnak ksznheti a lehetsget. Nemcsak rbeszlte a testvrt, hogy vgre induljon el az amerikai tehetsgkutatn, de jelentkezett is helyette.
"Linda nagyon-nagyon bzik bennem. Hl' Istennek nagyon j nvr, annyira szintn odaad. A testvri kapcsolatunkban semmifle fltkenysg nincs. Lk elre, s mindig is ilyen volt. "
Kirly Linda mr egyszer vgigcsinlta ezt az egszet, csak az oldschool utat vlasztotta, sorra bekopogtatott a lemezkiadkhoz, amg be nem jtt valamelyik. De Kirly Viktor is ugyanezt tenn, ha esetleg nem jnne be a Voice. Ilyesmirl egyelre sz sincs, gy nz ki, a msor rendesen megdobhatja az nekes karrierjt.
"Ez a msor ad egy olyan lketet, egy olyan lehetsget, hogy sokkal knnyebb rlpni erre az tra. Egy msort 15 millian nznek meg. Ez a minimum. "
– mondta Kirly Viktor a Velvetnek. Az nekes msik elnye, hogy nem a nullrl kezdi, mr profi nekes, csak egy j piacot meg kell megnyernie, ami egy hangynyit knnyebb, mintha most kezden a szakmt, s magyarknt, a semmibl prblkozna a Voice sznpadn. s ezt a zsri is gy gondolja:
"Gwen Stefani mondta nekem, hogy amit nagyon plusznak tart, az az, hogy ltszik rajtam a sznpadon, hogy egy profi nekes vagyok. Brmennyire furcsn hangzik, ez kell ebbe a versenybe. [...] Knny velem dolgozni, mert mr ismerem a helyzetet, nem leszek a 15 ves sztr, aki elszll. "
Az sem vletlen, hogy nem Kirly az egyetlen profi a versenyben, vannak sorstrsai, pldul az az r src, aki mr megnyert 2000-ben egy angol tehetsgkutatt, radsul ugyanazzal a szmmal dntztt, mint a magyar nekes.
Kirly Viktor clja pedig nem felttlenl a vilghrnv, hanem hogy ne kelljen egy hnapban 20 haknit vllalnia, legyen egy, de sznvonalas. Ha befut Amerikban, lehet egy soul lemeze, amire mindig is vgyott. Itthon sokkal populrisabb zent kvetelt meg a kznsg, de kint nagyobb a kereslet a mfajra.
"A Megasztrnl – ezt nem mondom rossz rtelemben – nem az volt a lnyeg, hogy egy stlust hangslyozz, hanem hogy kpes legyl minden stlusban nekelni, [...] kimondottan populris kell legyl. Csak ezt fogadtk el az emberek. "
De mi kell ahhoz, hogy valaki befusson Amerikban?
Nan, hogy nem Kirly Viktor az els magyar, aki klfldi karrierrel prblkozik. Radics Gigi s Kllay-Saunders Andrs is megclozta mr a vilgsikert. De nem egyszersthetjk le a dolgot gy, hogy elg egy j hang, aztn csak a repjegyet kell megvenni, onnan egyenes az t a sikerig. Kirly Viktor szerint az egyedisg a lnyeg, s a nyelv ismerete.
"Olyannal nem lehet Amerikban befutni, ami mr van. Magyarorszgon ez ms, Magyarorszgon ezt szeretik, ha valaki a magyarorszgi Justin Timberlake. Ez Amerikban nem mkdik. Ott van egy Justin Timberlake, nem kell egy msik. "
Az nekes emellett azt is hozztette, hogy szerencsje, hogy kint szletett. Teljesen ms gy elindulni az amerikai Voice-ban, hogy 16 ves korig kint lt. Innen mr tnyleg nem lehetetlen igazn befutni. Kirly mr tervezgeti, hogy ikertestvrvel brelnek egy lakst New Yorkban, s ktlaki letet l majd, Magyarorszg s Amerika kztt ingzva. Oktber elejig van mg itthon, de a verseny tovbbi menete egyelre nem derlt ki, annyi biztos, hogy irny New York, ahol brmikor hvhatjk a Los Angeles-i stdibl, hogy menni kell, jn a prbaj.
+1 Tudja, mi hinyozna Kirly Viktornak Amerikban?
"Az ptszet. Los Angelesben a doboz a maximum, nem ltni olyat, mint itthon. "